Country Carver Inc.

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Amore (Love) #654   17"x8"

Buon Giorno 16"w #658

Vive Bene "Live well, love much, laugh often" #535  18"x6"

Veni Vedi Vici #644  16"x4  "We came, we saw, we conquered"

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Benvenuti #543 Welcome Friends  24"x8"

Cuisine "Kitchen" #538 20"w 

Ciao #643 12"x10"

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Bon Appetit #648  17"x10"

Buona Doortopper #541 21"x8"

Buona Scroll #534 17"x6" 

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Buona #180 17"x5"

Buon Appetito #641 18"x10" 

Buona Wreath #533 17"dia

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Cucina #536  20"wide

Trattoria #651 (personalize) 18"x8"

Sempre #652 16"x8" Family Forever

                   mangia-web.jpg (21034 bytes)                    italianmother-web.jpg (15422 bytes)                     invino-web.jpg (15696 bytes) 

Mangia #542 16"x8" Eat! Eat! Italian Mother a Blessing from Heaven #655 18"x6"

   In Wine there is Truth #532 17"x9"

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Buona Large Doortopper #548 32"wide

Buon Appetito #645 18"x10" Bonne Nuit "Good Night" #517 16"wide


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The Written Word Endures #689 9"x12"

Good Fortune (French) #516 15"x9"

A Thousand Welcomes (Gaelic) #545  14"x12"

        libercopy copy.jpg (10456 bytes)             intenebriscopy copy.jpg (14339 bytes)                       carpediemstone copy.jpg (22629 bytes)

Books the Delight of the Soul #690 25"x5"

In Darkness Light #692 19"x5" Seize the Day #657 12"x10"

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Beautiful Home (French)#546 14"x12" Beautiful Home (Italian)#646 15"x11" Crazy Kitchen #653 14"x8"


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"Tempus Fugit" (Time Flies clock) #642 12"dia Blarney Garden Stone #1125 13"w La Dolce Vita-The Sweet Life #647 15x11


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Sempre Amici-Friends Forever #659 16 x 8 Irish Mother Blessing from Heaven #691 22x6 Bistro #539 13x5

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Past is Prologue #688 10x12 The Loo (English Restroom) #686 14"w Nature is the Art of God #549 12 x 14

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Bella Cucina #696 16x14 Jardin #693 16x15 Toilette #694 28x1 Vino de Case #695 16x14 Cucina #536b  17"w


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Beau Jardin # 557 12x17Beautiful Garden-French

Bienvenue # 558 17x15

Buon Appetito # 559 9x11


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Cent Anni # 564 12x10 May You Live 100 Years

Capeesh? #665 17x7

Grape Wheat Cross #252 10x8

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Cucina with Grape Vine #536D  20"W

Cucina Paradiso# 565 17x9

Chat Mechant -Beware of Cat-French #553 14x8