Country Carver Inc.

Wholesale gifts and home accessories

Order Info:  877-744-0557

Piazza Pisano     Mary P. Gifts for Kids    Country Carver Classics     The Lodge     Animals     Favorites         Golf Accents        Quarter Master Bay        Holiday      Inspirational Accents    Garden



      glovemirror-web.jpg (14130 bytes)                 baseballmirror-web.jpg (20036 bytes)              soccermirrorweb copy.jpg (15986 bytes)            batpegs-web.jpg (6114 bytes)

Glove Mirror #656 21"dia Baseball Mirror #650 21"dia

Soccer Ball mirror#661   21"w

Bat Peg Rack #527 20"w

moonpegdkblueweb.jpg (21558 bytes)                  peekmoon-blue.jpg (13277 bytes)               footballmirror-web.jpg (16656 bytes)                 giraffe02-web copy.jpg (24169 bytes)

Moon Peg Rack #518 20"w Peeking Moon #519 14"w Football Mirror #526 26"w Giraffe mirror #900  19"x13"

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flowermirror-web.jpg (16931 bytes)

moonmirrorweb.jpg (22497 bytes)

moosemirror-web.jpg (20768 bytes)

flamingo webcopy.jpg (19522 bytes)

Giraffe Mirror #900a  20x14

Flower Mirror #990 20"Dia

Moon Mirror #933 20x18

Moose Mirror #463 20x13

Flamingo Mirror #984 20x15


traygametable-web.jpg (13174 bytes) campmsg-web.jpg (12308 bytes) canoeorg-web.jpg (23091 bytes) celestialoval.jpg (19688 bytes) celestialmirror-web.jpg (24086 bytes)
Tray Game Table #1221 17x19x18 Camp Message Blackboard #450 16x18 Canoe Organizer #450 14x9 Oval Celestial Mirror #992    23"x16" Celestial Mirror #989 24x16


elephant-web.jpg (16151 bytes) pandapersonalized.jpg (15828 bytes) skirack-web.jpg (9483 bytes) dolphin-web.jpg (22600 bytes)
Elephant Doortopper #640 22x8 Panda Room sign #825 18x6 Ski Rack #709 16x5 Dolphin Welcome #330 15x7

      toychest-web copy.jpg (24202 bytes)               animaltrackmirror.jpg (22667 bytes)                 kidscorkboard.jpg (21873 bytes)             moonweb.jpg (13650 bytes)starsweb.jpg (12895 bytes)

Personalized Toy Chest #1206  21x16x13 Animal Tracks Mirror #464 18x17 Kids Corkboard #827  16x12 Moon and stars #805/#806


,oosepegrack-web.jpg (17053 bytes)               bearppersonalizedweb.jpg (14894 bytes)               bonnenuit2-web.jpg (15290 bytes)           sweetdreams-yellow-web1.jpg (15407 bytes)

Moose Peg rack #822 14x8 Bear Room Sign #820 14x8 Bonne Nuit #517 14x8 Sweet Dreams#713 23x8